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Ledige juriststillinger i Storkøbenhavn

Her et udvalg af ledige juristjobs i Storkøbenhavn:

Assistant Attorney for [xxxxx] 's Tax team

Are you looking for a position as an assistant attorney in a setting characterised by extensive collaboration, ambitious litigation, and professional input from some of Denmark's top tax specialist...

Attorney-at-Law for [xxxxx] 's Construction team

Are you interested in building and construction law? Do you want to provide advice on the largest and most complex construction projects and arbitration cases in Denmark? We are looking for two tal...

Sundhedsjurist - barselsvikariat

Vi søger en barselsvikar for vores ene sundhedsjurist. Derfor søger vi dig, som har lyst til, sammen med vores sundhedsjurist, at rådgive og understøtte vores Direktion og afdelinger inden for bl.a...