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Ledige juriststillinger i Nordsjælland

Her et udvalg af ledige juristjobs i Nordsjælland:

Legal Counsel, Business Ethics & ESG, Lyngby

Do you excel in business ethics and ESG? Can you lead core ethics initiatives and ensure compliance across our organization? And are you a dedicated legal professional with a passion for making a p...

Contract Manager

Step into a world of unparalleled opportunity at [xxxxx] , where innovation, sustainability, and global impact converge. As we continue to pioneer engineering solutions to shape a sustainable futu...

Privacy lawyer

Jurist søges til organisation/virksomhed i Hele Danmark

Jurastuderende med interesse for energiområdet

Har du lyst til at lære om energiområdet? Vil du prøve kræfter med forvaltningsretten i praksis? Så har du nu mulighed for at blive en del af Danmarks stærke og uafhængige tilsynsmyndighed - [xxxx...